Monday, July 4, 2011

Pictures around us

I wanted to send pictures of the flowers in front of our house which are getting full and beautiful, a tree that is in the back of our house, which has tendrils and is most interesting. I will take time sometime to identify it. The tendrils are gone now and just the large oval shaped leaves remain. Also a picture that Mark took of the puzzle he did of the Farmall tractor like his dad used to have. I will post other pictures as we get them downloaded.


  1. Nice puzzle, Dad. Jonah said there must be a thousand pieces! Did you plant all of those flowers in your flower bed, Mom? Looks lots prettier than my flower beds. That IS an interesting tree. Are the tendrils fuzzy?

  2. I tried to comment last week, but didn't know any of my passwords (just got the new computer up and running, but it didn't transfer all the passwords). I love seeing pictures of what's going on in Ohio. Makes it so much more real for us out here in Idaho. Love you!
